
Γνωστοποιήθηκε το διατακτικό που έστειλε το CAS στον Άρη!

Η ιστοσελίδα oikonomia24.blogspot.com δημοσίευσε το διατακτικό του CAS για την υπόθεση του Άρη.

Σε αυτό ουσιαστικά το CAS αναφέρει πως εξέτασε και “εξαφανίζει” την τιμωρία που είχε επιβληθεί στους “κιτρινόμαυρους”.

Η πρόεδρος της επιτροπής που εξέτασε την υπόθεση, είναι η κ. Άννα Μπουρντιούκοβα από την Ουκρανία.

Την πλευρά του Άρη εκπροσώπησαν οι Κωνσταντίνος Ζέμπερης, Χρυσούλα Σεβαστοπούλου ενώ η ΕΠΟ είχε στη διάθεση της Ελβετούς νομικούς!


Re: CAS 2021/A/8344 Aris Football Club & Theodoros Karypidis v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF)

Dear Madam, dear Sir, Please find enclosed, by email and courier a copy of the Operative Part of the Arbitral Award concerning the Aris Football Club and the Hellenic Football Federation, issued by the Court of Arbitration for Sport in the above-referenced matter. Please be advised that I remain at the Parties’ disposal for any further information.

Yours faithfully,


Counsel to the CAS Enc. c.c. Panel + ad hoc clerk

CAS 2021/A/8344 Aris Football Club & Theodoros Karypidis v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF)


delivered by the


sitting in the following composition

President: Dr Anna Bordiugova, Attorney-at-Law, Kyiv, Ukraine

Arbitrators: Mr Michele A.R. Bernasconi, Attorney-at-Law, Zurich, Switzerland Mr Patrick Grandjean, Attorney-at-Law, Belmont, Switzerland

Ad hoc Clerk: Mr Dennis Koolaard, Attorney-at-Law, Arnhem, The Netherlands

in the arbitration between Aris Football Club, Thessaloniki, Greece

– First Appellant –

and Mr Theodoros Karypidis, Greece

– Second Appellant –

Both represented by Mr Konstantinos Zemberis and Ms Chrysoula Sevastopoulou, Attorneys-at-Law, Athens, Greece

and Hellenic Football Federation, Athens, Greece

Represented by Ms Melanie Schärer, Ms Isabel Falconer and Mr Gaudenz Koprio, Attorneys-at-Law, Pfäffikon, Switzerland

– Respondent –

* * * * *

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte

CAS 2021/A/8344 Aris Football Club & Theodoros Karypidis v. HFF – Page 2


The Court of Arbitration for Sport rules that:

1. The appeal filed on 21 September 2021 by Aris Football Club against decision no. 29/2021 rendered on 31 July 2021 by the Appeals Committee of the Hellenic Football Federation is upheld.

2. Decision no. 29/2021 rendered on 31 July 2021 by the Appeals Committee of the Hellenic Football Federation is set aside insofar it concerns the findings regarding the charges brought against Aris Football Club and the sanctions imposed on Aris Football Club by the Hellenic Football Federation, namely a fine of EUR 20,000 (twenty thousand Euros) and a penalty of 6 (six) points deduction from its domestic league ranking in the 2021/22 season.

3. The appeal filed on 21 September 2021 by the late Mr Theodoros Karypidis against decision no. 29/2021 rendered on 31 July 2021 by the Appeals Committee of the Hellenic Football Federation is moot and shall be deleted from the CAS roll.

4. The costs of the arbitration, to be determined and served on the Parties by the CAS Court Office, shall be borne in their entirety by the Hellenic Football Federation.

5. The Hellenic Football Federation and the late Mr Theodoros Karypidis shall bear their own costs and the Hellenic Football Federation shall pay a contribution of CHF 5,000 (five thousand Swiss Francs) towards Aris Football Club’s legal fees and other expenses incurred in connection with these arbitration proceedings.

6. All other and further motions or prayers for relief are dismissed.

Seat of arbitration: Lausanne, Switzerland

Date: 3 March 2022


Anna Bordiugova President of the Panel

Michele A.R. Bernasconi Arbitrator

Patrick Grandjean Arbitrator

Dennis Koolaard Ad hoc Cler


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